Stephanie says we should include some tips along the way if there really is to be a point to documenting this project but so far I don’t know what to tell anyone taking on a project like this other than jump in and it will come together. There are some general woodworking tips I can give from previous experience as a cabinetmaker and carpenter. The first one is keep an electric pencil sharpener handy. I set mine right on the plywood while I’m laying things out. You’ll be surprised how fast your pencil will dull and you don’t want draw 1/8” lines and mess up the lines of the boat. Another old cabinetmakers trick is to use denatured alcohol to remove unwanted lines and mistakes instead of trying to erase them. It won’t harm or discolor the wood and it’s fast and easy. I like to make my center marks with a colored pencil and also laid out my baselines in color. Blue for centers and red for bases. For large arcs, but not more than about 34” I use a trammel and yard stick combination available at most hobby or art supplies. I don’t know if the big box stores have them but there worth tracking down or do a search online and order one. Just search for yardstick compass and it will come up.
It’s back to work in the morning but I hope to be able to get a little more done during the week. Even just getting the last 3 frames laid out would make the next weekend more productive. I also need to pick up more material during the week. Until then take a look at the gallery for new pictures and please sign the guest book. We would love to here any comments and words of encouragements.